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Short-eared Owl

November 15, 2023

Size and Shape:Short-eared Owls are medium-sized owls that are characterized by a round head, broad wings, and a relatively short tail. Their overall size ranges from 13 to 17 inches in length, with a wingspan extending up to 44 inches. Their sizable wings, compared to their body length, are essential for their hunting strategies and allow for exceptional maneuverability. The females are generally larger than the males, a common trend in raptors known as reversed sexual size dimorphism.

Although they belong to the owl family, their physical appearance deviates somewhat from the typical owl image. Their round heads lack the prominent ear tufts seen in many other owl species, hence their name. This feature gives them a unique silhouette, helping to distinguish them from other owls. However, they do have small ear tufts which are usually not visible, lying flat on the head.

Their rounded face is punctuated by large, lemon-yellow eyes that provide excellent night vision. These eyes are set in a darkly rimmed facial disk that contrasts strikingly with the lighter plumage of the rest of their body. The beak is short, sharp, and hidden by feathers, allowing them to stealthily approach prey.

Even with a relatively stout body, these birds show a surprising agility in flight. Their broad wings are swept back in a way reminiscent of a falcon or a moth when in flight, a shape that contributes to their aerodynamic efficiency. The trailing edges of the wings are squared-off or rounded, another feature that differentiates the Short-eared Owl from other owl species.

In terms of weight, Short-eared Owls are rather light for their size, with males weighing around 7 to 12 ounces and females being slightly heavier, averaging between 9 and 17 ounces. This lighter build aids their flight and hunting prowess, allowing them to stay aloft for extended periods while seeking out prey.

Color Pattern:Short-eared Owls exhibit fascinating color patterns that serve as camouflage and play a vital role in their survival. Their plumage varies in color from brown to buff, speckled with darker spots and streaks. This cryptic coloring helps them blend in with the grasslands and marshes they frequent, providing them with an effective disguise against both predators and prey.

The upperparts of the bird are generally brown with heavy buff spotting, mimicking the appearance of tree bark or scattered leaves. This camouflage enables them to roost unnoticed during the day. Their underparts are more buff-colored, featuring streaks of darker brown. These markings continue to the wings, which display prominent barring.

The facial disc is pale with darker rims, centering on their distinctive yellow eyes. A dark streak extends below each eye, giving the owl a somewhat stern expression. This face pattern creates an illusion of constant alertness, potentially deterring predators.

Their legs and feet are feathered in buff and brown tones, again helping to blend with their environment. The claws, however, are sharp, dark, and deadly - a stark contrast to the soft appearance of the rest of the body.

The color pattern of the Short-eared Owl is not just for camouflage; it is also an important part of their communication. The dramatic contrast between their pale belly and darker upperparts becomes evident when they are in flight, making them easily recognizable to each other even from a distance.

Behavior:The Short-eared Owl exhibits behaviors that set it apart from other owl species. These owls are primarily nocturnal, but they can also be crepuscular, actively hunting during the twilight hours of dawn and dusk. This tendency to be out in daylight is unusual among owls and reflects the Short-eared Owl's adaptability.

One of the most striking behaviors of the Short-eared Owl is its hunting strategy. These owls are visual hunters, employing their acute vision to locate prey from the air. They typically fly low over open areas, systematically covering the ground to detect the movement of small mammals such as voles and mice.

When a Short-eared Owl spots a potential meal, it plunges to the ground with talons outstretched. This dramatic hunting style is a spectacle to observe, with the owl’s large eyes focused intently on its target and its broad wings spread wide. The owls are also known to hover briefly above the ground before pouncing on their prey.

In terms of breeding behavior, Short-eared Owls are solitary birds, but during the breeding season, they may nest in loose colonies if food resources are plentiful. The males perform a courtship display that involves impressive aerial maneuvers, such as wing-clapping and spiraling flights. These displays not only attract females but also signal to other males to keep their distance.

Parental care in Short-eared Owls is a shared responsibility. The female is responsible for incubation and the initial care of the chicks, while the male provides food and protection for his mate and the young. The young owls are quite independent and start to leave the nest about two weeks after hatching, although they don't venture far until they are capable of sustained flight.

Habitat:Short-eared Owls have a broad global distribution and are found in diverse habitats. They favor open spaces and are commonly found in areas such as grasslands, marshes, and tundra. Their habitat selection is mainly determined by the availability of small mammals, which form a significant part of their diet.

In North America, they are found across the continent, from the northern reaches of Alaska and Canada down to Mexico. During winter, they may migrate southwards, driven by the availability of food. While some Short-eared Owls are sedentary, others are nomadic, moving around to follow their prey.

They are adaptable birds and can also inhabit agricultural fields and airports. These man-made habitats provide the open spaces that Short-eared Owls need for hunting. However, such environments often bring them into conflict with humans, posing threats like vehicle collisions and habitat degradation.

In terms of nesting, Short-eared Owls are ground-nesters, which is relatively uncommon among owls. They create a scrape in the ground, often on a small mound or rise that provides a vantage point to spot approaching predators. The choice to nest on the ground aligns with their preference for open habitats and further emphasizes their unique lifestyle.

Their adaptable nature and broad distribution make the Short-eared Owl a cosmopolitan bird, comfortable in a range of habitats across many continents. However, like many species, they are affected by habitat loss and changes in land use, issues that are crucial to address for their long-term conservation.



  1. The scientific name for the Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus, comes from Latin, where 'Asio' denotes a type of eared owl, and 'flammeus' means flaming, or flame-colored, describing their golden buff and brown plumage.
  2. Despite being widely distributed, Short-eared Owls are often hard to spot due to their cryptic coloring and tendency to roost in grass during the day.
  3. Short-eared Owls have an interesting defensive behavior when threatened. They will stretch their bodies to appear taller and flutter their wings to intimidate potential predators.
  4. The Short-eared Owl's diet primarily consists of small mammals, particularly voles. However, they're opportunistic and can eat a variety of other animals, including birds and insects.
  5. Unlike many owl species, the Short-eared Owl is a long-distance migrant, with some individuals traveling over 1,000 kilometers between breeding and wintering grounds.

Ecosystem Services:Short-eared Owls play a significant role in the ecosystems they inhabit. As predators, they help control populations of small mammals, especially rodents. By keeping these populations in check, they contribute to maintaining the balance of species within their habitat, preventing any single species from dominating and potentially causing an imbalance.

Their preference for open habitats, such as grasslands and marshes, also makes them important indicators of environmental health. Changes in the presence or population size of Short-eared Owls can provide early warning signs of habitat degradation or other ecological issues.

Furthermore, the remains of their meals, in the form of pellets, contribute to nutrient cycling in the ecosystem. These pellets, which the owls regurgitate, contain fur and bones of the animals they've consumed and decompose to return nutrients to the soil.

As a prey species, they also support larger predators, including larger birds of prey and mammals. Although not a pleasant role, this forms part of the natural food web, contributing to the overall biodiversity and stability of their habitats.

Lastly, as a species of interest to birdwatchers and researchers, they have a role in fostering environmental appreciation and awareness. Their presence can draw attention to natural areas, encouraging conservation efforts and contributing to our understanding of nature.

Conclusion:The Short-eared Owl, with its distinctive appearance and intriguing behavior, is a captivating member of the owl family. From its exceptional hunting skills to its vital role in the ecosystem, this bird contributes significantly to the intricate web of life. It's a testament to the adaptability and resilience of nature, thriving in varied habitats across the globe. As we continue to explore and appreciate the wonder of these birds, it's crucial that we also work to ensure their habitats are preserved for future generations to enjoy. In understanding and appreciating the Short-eared Owl, we gain insight into a fascinating part of our world's biodiversity and reinforce the importance of every creature in the ecosystem.